
ReactEditor is added to Editor when it is instantiated using the withReact method.

const [editor] = useState(() => withReact(withHistory(createEditor())))

Static methods

Check methods

ReactEditor.isComposing(editor: ReactEditor): boolean

Check if the user is currently composing inside the editor.

ReactEditor.isFocused(editor: ReactEditor): boolean

Check if the editor is focused.

ReactEditor.isReadOnly(editor: ReactEditor): boolean

Check if the editor is in read-only mode.

Focus and selection methods

ReactEditor.blur(editor: ReactEditor): void

Blur the editor.

ReactEditor.focus(editor: ReactEditor): void

Focus the editor.

ReactEditor.deselect(editor: ReactEditor): void

Deselect the editor.

DOM translation methods

ReactEditor.findKey(editor: ReactEditor, node: Node): Key

Find a key for a Slate node.

Returns an instance of Key which looks like { id: string }

ReactEditor.findPath(editor: ReactEditor, node: Node): Path

Find the path of Slate node.

ReactEditor.hasDOMNode(editor: ReactEditor, target: DOMNode, options: { editable?: boolean } = {}): boolean

Check if a DOM node is within the editor.

ReactEditor.toDOMNode(editor: ReactEditor, node: Node): HTMLElement

Find the native DOM element from a Slate node.

ReactEditor.toDOMPoint(editor: ReactEditor, point: Point): DOMPoint

Find a native DOM selection point from a Slate point.

ReactEditor.toDOMRange(editor: ReactEditor, range: Range): DOMRange

Find a native DOM range from a Slate range.

ReactEditor.toSlateNode(editor: ReactEditor, domNode: DOMNode): Node

Find a Slate node from a native DOM element.

ReactEditor.findEventRange(editor: ReactEditor, event: any): Range

Get the target range from a DOM event.

ReactEditor.toSlatePoint(editor: ReactEditor, domPoint: DOMPoint): Point | null

Find a Slate point from a DOM selection's domNode and domOffset.

ReactEditor.toSlateRange(editor: ReactEditor, domRange: DOMRange | DOMStaticRange | DOMSelection, options?: { exactMatch?: boolean } = {}): Range | null

Find a Slate range from a DOM range or selection.

DataTransfer methods

ReactEditor.insertData(editor: ReactEditor, data: DataTransfer): void

Insert data from a DataTransfer into the editor. This is a proxy method to call in this order insertFragmentData(editor: ReactEditor, data: DataTransfer) and then insertTextData(editor: ReactEditor, data: DataTransfer).

ReactEditor.insertFragmentData(editor: ReactEditor, data: DataTransfer): true

Insert fragment data from a DataTransfer into the editor. Returns true if some content has been effectively inserted.

ReactEditor.insertTextData(editor: ReactEditor, data: DataTransfer): true

Insert text data from a DataTransfer into the editor. Returns true if some content has been effectively inserted.

ReactEditor.setFragmentData(editor: ReactEditor, data: DataTransfer, originEvent?: 'drag' | 'copy' | 'cut'): void

Sets data from the currently selected fragment on a DataTransfer.

Last updated