Editable Component

Editable(props: EditableProps): JSX.Element

The Editable component is the main editing component. Note that it must be inside a Slate component.


It takes as its props, any props accepted by a Textarea element plus the following props.

type EditableProps = {
  decorate?: (entry: NodeEntry) => Range[]
  onDOMBeforeInput?: (event: InputEvent) => void
  placeholder?: string
  readOnly?: boolean
  role?: string
  style?: React.CSSProperties
  renderElement?: (props: RenderElementProps) => JSX.Element
  renderLeaf?: (props: RenderLeafProps) => JSX.Element
  renderPlaceholder?: (props: RenderPlaceholderProps) => JSX.Element
  scrollSelectionIntoView?: (editor: ReactEditor, domRange: DOMRange) => void
  as?: React.ElementType
  disableDefaultStyles?: boolean
} & React.TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>

NOTE: Detailed breakdown of Props not completed. Refer to the source code at the moment. Under construction.

placeholder?: string = ""

The text to display as a placeholder when the Editor is empty. A typical value for placeholder would be "Enter text here..." or "Start typing...". The placeholder text will not be treated as an actual value and will disappear when the user starts typing in the Editor.

readOnly?: boolean = false

When set to true, renders the editor in a "read-only" state. In this state, user input and interactions will not modify the editor's content.

If this prop is omitted or set to false, the editor remains in the default "editable" state, allowing users to interact with and modify the content.

This prop is particularly useful when you want to display text or rich media content without allowing users to edit it, such as when displaying published content or a preview of the user's input.

renderElement?: (props: RenderElementProps) => JSX.Element

The renderElement prop is a function used to render a custom component for a specific type of Element node in the Slate.js document model.

Here is the type of the RenderElementProps passed into the function.

export interface RenderElementProps {
  children: any
  element: Element
  attributes: {
    'data-slate-node': 'element'
    'data-slate-inline'?: true
    'data-slate-void'?: true
    dir?: 'rtl'
    ref: any

The attributes must be added to the props of the top level HTML element returned from the function and the children must be rendered somewhere inside the returned JSX.

Here is a typical usage of renderElement with two types of elements.

const initialValue = [
    type: 'paragraph',
    children: [{ text: 'A line of text in a paragraph.' }],

const App = () => {
  const [editor] = useState(() => withReact(createEditor()))

  // Define a rendering function based on the element passed to `props`. We use
  // `useCallback` here to memoize the function for subsequent renders.
  const renderElement = useCallback(props => {
    switch (props.element.type) {
      case 'code':
        return <CodeElement {...props} />
        return <DefaultElement {...props} />
  }, [])

  return (
    <Slate editor={editor} initialValue={initialValue}>
        // Pass in the `renderElement` function.

const CodeElement = props => {
  return (
    <pre {...props.attributes}>

const DefaultElement = props => {
  return <p {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</p>

renderLeaf?: (props: RenderLeafProps) => JSX.Element

The renderLeaf prop allows you to customize the rendering of leaf nodes in the document tree of your Slate editor. A "leaf" in Slate is the smallest chunk of text and its associated formatting attributes.

The renderLeaf function receives an object of type RenderLeafProps as its argument:

export interface RenderLeafProps {
  children: any
  leaf: Text
  text: Text
  attributes: {
    'data-slate-leaf': true

Example usage:

  renderLeaf={({ attributes, children, leaf }) => {
    return (
        style={{ fontWeight: leaf.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal' }}

renderPlaceholder?: (props: RenderPlaceholderProps) => JSX.Element

The renderPlaceholder prop allows you to customize how the placeholder of the Slate.js Editable component is rendered when the editor is empty. The placeholder will only be shown when the editor's content is empty.

The RenderPlaceholderProps interface looks like this:

export type RenderPlaceholderProps = {
  children: any
  attributes: {
    'data-slate-placeholder': boolean
    dir?: 'rtl'
    contentEditable: boolean
    ref: React.RefCallback<any>
    style: React.CSSProperties

An example usage might look like:

  renderPlaceholder={({ attributes, children }) => (
    <div {...attributes} style={{ fontStyle: 'italic', color: 'gray' }}>

scrollSelectionIntoView?: (editor: ReactEditor, domRange: DOMRange) => void

Slate has its own default method to scroll a DOM selection into view that works for most cases; however, if the default behavior isn't working for you, possible due to some complex styling, you may need to override the default behavior by providing a different function here.

as?: React.ElementType = "div"

The as prop specifies the type of element that will be used to render the Editable component in your React application. By default, this is a div.

disableDefaultStyles?: boolean = false

The disableDefaultStyles prop determines whether the default styles of the Slate.js Editable component are applied or not.

Please note that with this prop set to true, you will need to ensure that your styles cater to all the functionalities of the editor that rely on specific styles to work properly.

Here are the default styles:

const defaultStyles = {
  // Allow positioning relative to the editable element.
  position: 'relative',
  // Preserve adjacent whitespace and new lines.
  whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
  // Allow words to break if they are too long.
  wordWrap: 'break-word',
  // Make the minimum height that of the placeholder.
  ...(placeholderHeight ? { minHeight: placeholderHeight } : {}),

Last updated