
The HistoryEditor interface is added to the Editor when it is instantiated using the withHistory method.

const [editor] = useState(() => withReact(withHistory(createEditor())))

This adds properties to editor that enables undo and redo in Slate.

There are also static methods for working with the Editor's undo/redo history.

export interface HistoryEditor extends BaseEditor {
  history: History
  undo: () => void
  redo: () => void
  writeHistory: (stack: 'undos' | 'redos', batch: any) => void

Static methods

Undo and Redo

HistoryEditor.redo(editor: HistoryEditor): void

Redo to the next saved state.

HistoryEditor.undo(editor: HistoryEditor): void

Undo to the previous saved state.

Merging and Saving

HistoryEditor.withMerging(editor: HistoryEditor, fn: () => void): void

Apply a series of changes inside a synchronous fn, These operations will be merged into the previous history.

HistoryEditor.withoutMerging(editor: HistoryEditor, fn: () => void): void

Apply a series of changes inside a synchronous fn, without merging any of the new operations into previous save point in the history.

HistoryEditor.withoutSaving(editor: HistoryEditor, fn: () => void): void

Apply a series of changes inside a synchronous fn, without saving any of their operations into the history.

Check methods

HistoryEditor.isHistoryEditor(value: any): value is HistoryEditor

Check if a value is a HistoryEditor (i.e. it has the HistoryEditor interface).

HistoryEditor.isMerging(editor: HistoryEditor): boolean | undefined

Get the merge flag's current value.

HistoryEditor.isSaving(editor: HistoryEditor): boolean | undefined

Get the saving flag's current value.

Instance methods

undo(): void

Undo the last batch of operations

redo(): void

Redo the last undone batch of operations

writeHistory(stack: 'undos'| 'redos', batch: any) => void

Push a batch of operations as either undos or redos onto editor.undos or editor.redos

Last updated