
The core Editor ships with a bunch of built-in commands that provide common behaviors for rich text editors.

Current Selection Commands

These commands act on the document based on the current selection. They are equivalent to calling the Document Range Commands with the current selection as the range argument, but they are there for convenience, since you often want to act with the current selection, as a user would.


addMark(mark: Mark) => Editor addMark(properties: Object) => Editor addMark(type: String) => Editor

Add a Mark to the characters in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


delete() => Editor

Delete everything in the current selection.


insertBlock(block: Block) => Editor insertBlock(properties: Object) => Editor insertBlock(type: String) => Editor

Insert a new block at the same level as the current block, splitting the current block to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


deleteBackward(n: Number) => Editor

Delete backward n characters at the current cursor. If the selection is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


deleteForward(n: Number) => Editor

Delete forward n characters at the current cursor. If the selection is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


insertFragment(fragment: Document) => Editor

Insert a fragment at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


insertInline(inline: Inline) => Editor insertInline(properties: Object) => Editor

Insert a new inline at the current cursor position, splitting the text to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


insertText(text: String) => Editor

Insert a string of text at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


setBlocks(properties: Object) => Editor setBlocks(type: String) => Editor

Set the properties of the Blocks in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the blocks' type only.


setInlines(properties: Object) => Editor setInlines(type: String) => Editor

Set the properties of the Inlines nodes in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the inline nodes' type only.


splitBlock(depth: Number) => Editor

Split the Block in the current selection by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to 1.


splitInline(depth: Number) => Editor

Split the Inline node in the current selection by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to Infinity.


removeMark(mark: Mark) => Editor removeMark(properties: Object) => Editor removeMark(type: String) => Editor

Remove a Mark from the characters in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


replaceMark(oldMark: Mark, newMark: Mark) => Editor replaceMark(oldProperties: Object, newProperties: Object) => Editor replaceMark(oldType: String, newType: String) => Editor

Replace a Mark in the characters in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


toggleMark(mark: Mark) => Editor toggleMark(properties: Object) => Editor toggleMark(type: String) => Editor

Add or remove a Mark from the characters in the current selection, depending on it already exists on any or not. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


unwrapBlock(type: String) => Editor unwrapBlock(properties: Object) => Editor

Unwrap all Block nodes in the current selection that match a type and/or data.


unwrapInline(type: String) => Editor unwrapInline(properties: Object) => Editor

Unwrap all Inline nodes in the current selection that match a type and/or data.


wrapBlock(type: String) => Editor wrapBlock(properties: Object) => Editor

Wrap the Block nodes in the current selection with a new Block node of type, with optional data.


wrapInline(type: String) => Editor wrapInline(properties: Object) => Editor

Wrap the Inline nodes in the current selection with a new Inline node of type, with optional data.


wrapText(prefix: String, [suffix: String]) => Editor

Surround the text in the current selection with prefix and suffix strings. If the suffix is ommitted, the prefix will be used instead.

Selection Commands

These commands change the current selection, without touching the document.


blur() => Editor

Blur the current selection.


deselect() => Editor

Unset the selection.


flip() => Editor

Flip the selection.


focus() => Editor

Focus the current selection.


move{Point}Backward(n: Number) => Editor

Move the {Point} of the selection backward n characters. Where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}Forward(n: Number) => Editor

Move the {Point} of the selection forward n characters. Where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


moveTo(path: List, offset: Number) => Editor moveTo(key: String, offset: Number) => Editor moveTo(offset: Number) => Editor

Move the {Point} of the selection to a new path or key and offset. Where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


moveTo{Point}() => Editor

Collapse the current selection to one of its points. Where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End.


move{Point}To{Edge}OfBlock() => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of the closest block parent. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}To{Edge}OfDocument() => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of the document. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}To{Edge}OfInline() => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of the closest inline parent. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}To{Edge}OfNode(node: Node) => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of a node. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}To{Edge}OfText() => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of the current text node. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}To{Edge}Of{Direction}Block() => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of the closest block parent. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}To{Edge}Of{Direction}Inline() => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of the closest inline parent. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


move{Point}To{Edge}Of{Direction}Text() => Editor

Move the current selection to the {Edge} of the current text node. Where {Edge} is either Start or End. And where {Point} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End. You can also omit {Point} to move both the anchor and focus points at the same time.


moveToRangeOfNode(node: Node) => Editor

Move the current selection's anchor point to the start of a node and its focus point to the end of the node.


moveToRangeOfDocument() => Editor

Move the current selection's anchor point to the start of the document and its focus point to the end of the document, selecting everything.


select(properties: Range || Object) => Editor

Set the current selection to a range with merged properties. The properties can either be a Range object or a plain JavaScript object of selection properties.

Document Range Commands

These commands act on a specific Range of the document.


addMarkAtRange(range: Range, mark: Mark) => Editor addMarkAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor addMarkAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Add a Mark to the characters in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


deleteAtRange(range: Range, ) => Editor

Delete everything in a range.


deleteBackwardAtRange(range: Range, n: Number) => Editor

Delete backward n characters at a range. If the range is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


deleteForwardAtRange(range: Range, n: Number) => Editor

Delete forward n characters at a range. If the range is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


insertBlockAtRange(range: Range, block: Block) => Editor insertBlockAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor insertBlockAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Insert a new block at the same level as the leaf block at a range, splitting the current block to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


insertFragmentAtRange(range: Range, fragment: Document) => Editor

Insert a fragment at a range. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


insertInlineAtRange(range: Range, inline: Inline) => Editor insertInlineAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor

Insert a new inline at a range, splitting the text to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


insertTextAtRange(range: Range, text: String) => Editor

Insert a string of text at a range. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


setBlocksAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor setBlocks(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Set the properties of the Blocks in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the blocks' type only.


setInlinesAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor setInlines(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Set the properties of the Inlines nodes in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the inline nodes' type only.


splitBlockAtRange(range: Range, depth: Number) => Editor

Split the Block in a range by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to 1.


splitInlineAtRange(range: Range, depth: Number) => Editor

Split the Inline node in a range by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to Infinity.


removeMarkAtRange(range: Range, mark: Mark) => Editor removeMarkAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor removeMarkAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Remove a Mark from the characters in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


toggleMarkAtRange(range: Range, mark: Mark) => Editor toggleMarkAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor toggleMarkAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Add or remove a Mark from the characters in a range, depending on whether any of them already have the mark. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


unwrapBlockAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor unwrapBlockAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Unwrap all Block nodes in a range that match properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


unwrapInlineAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor unwrapInlineAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Unwrap all Inline nodes in a range that match properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


wrapBlockAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor wrapBlockAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Wrap the Block nodes in a range with a new Block node with properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


wrapInlineAtRange(range: Range, properties: Object) => Editor wrapInlineAtRange(range: Range, type: String) => Editor

Wrap the Inline nodes in a range with a new Inline node with properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


wrapTextAtRange(range: Range, prefix: String, [suffix: String]) => Editor

Surround the text in a range with prefix and suffix strings. If the suffix is ommitted, the prefix will be used instead.

Node Commands

These commands are lower-level, and act on a specific node by its key or path. They're often used in your custom components because you'll have access to props.node.


addMarkByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number, mark: Mark) => Editor addMarkByPath(path: List, offset: Number, length: Number, mark: Mark) => Editor

Add a mark to length characters starting at an offset in a Node by its key or path.


insertNodeByKey(key: String, index: Number, node: Node) => Editor insertNodeByPath(path: List, index: Number, node: Node) => Editor

Insert a node at index inside a parent Node by its key or path.


insertFragmentByKey(key: String, index: Number, fragment: Fragment) => Transform insertFragmentByPath(path: list, index: Number, fragment: Fragment) => Transform

Insert a Fragment at index inside a parent Node by its key or path.


insertTextByKey(key: String, offset: Number, text: String, [marks: Set]) => Editor insertTextByPath(path: List, offset: Number, text: String, [marks: Set]) => Editor

Insert text at an offset in a Text Node by its key with optional marks.


mergeNodeByKey(key: String) => Editor mergeNodeByPath(path: List) => Editor

Merge a Node by its key or path with its previous sibling.


moveNodeByKey(key: String, newKey: String, newIndex: Number) => Editor moveNodeByPath(path: List, newKey: String, newIndex: Number) => Editor

Move a Node by its key or path to a new parent node with its newKey and at a newIndex.


removeMarkByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number, mark: Mark) => Editor removeMarkByPath(path: List, offset: Number, length: Number, mark: Mark) => Editor

Remove a mark from length characters starting at an offset in a Node by its key or path.


removeNodeByKey(key: String) => Editor removeNodeByPath(path: List) => Editor

Remove a Node from the document by its key or path.


replaceNodeByKey(key: String, node: Node) => Editor replaceNodeByPath(path: List, node: Node) => Editor

Replace a Node in the document with a new Node by its key or path.


removeTextByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number) => Editor removeTextByPath(path: List, offset: Number, length: Number) => Editor

Remove length characters of text starting at an offset in a Node by its key or path.


setMarkByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number, properties: Object, newProperties: Object) => Editor setMarkByPath(path: List, offset: Number, length: Number, properties: Object, newProperties: Object) => Editor

Set a dictionary of newProperties on a Mark on a Node by its key or path.


setNodeByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Editor setNodeByKey(key: String, type: String) => Editor setNodeByPath(path: List, properties: Object) => Editor setNodeByPath(path: List, type: String) => Editor

Set a dictionary of properties on a Node by its key or path. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


splitNodeByKey(key: String, offset: Number) => Editor splitNodeByPath(path: List, offset: Number) => Editor

Split a node by its key or path at an offset.


unwrapInlineByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Editor unwrapInlineByKey(key: String, type: String) => Editor unwrapInlineByPath(path: List, properties: Object) => Editor unwrapInlineByPath(path: List, type: String) => Editor

Unwrap all inner content of an Inline node by its key or path that match properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


unwrapBlockByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Editor unwrapBlockByKey(key: String, type: String) => Editor unwrapBlockByPath(path: List, properties: Object) => Editor unwrapBlockByPath(path: List, type: String) => Editor

Unwrap all inner content of a Block node by its key or path that match properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


unwrapNodeByKey(key: String) => Editor unwrapNodeByPath(path: List) => Editor

Unwrap a single node from its parent. If the node is surrounded with siblings, its parent will be split. If the node is the only child, the parent is removed, and simply replaced by the node itself. Cannot unwrap a root node.


wrapBlockByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Editor wrapBlockByKey(key: String, type: String) => Editor wrapBlockByPath(path: List, properties: Object) => Editor wrapBlockByPath(path: List, type: String) => Editor

Wrap the given node in a Block node that match properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


wrapInlineByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Editor wrapInlineByKey(key: String, type: String) => Editor wrapInlineByPath(path: List, properties: Object) => Editor wrapInlineByPath(path: List, type: String) => Editor

Wrap the given node in a Inline node that match properties. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object.


wrapNodeByKey(key: String, parent: Node) => Editor wrapNodeByPath(path: List, parent: Node) => Editor

Wrap the node with the specified key with the parent Node. This will clear all children of the parent.

History Commands

These commands use the history to undo/redo previously made changes.


redo() => Editor

Move forward one step in the history.


undo() => Editor

Move backward one step in the history.


snapshotSelection() => Editor

Snapshot value.selection for undo purposes, useful with delete operations like editor.removeNodeByKey(focusBlock.key).undo().

Miscellaneous Commands


normalize() => Editor

This method normalizes the document with the value's schema. This should run automatically-you should not need to call this method unless you have manually disabled normalization (and you should rarely, if ever, need to manually disable normalization). The vast majority of changes, whether by the user or invoked programmatically, will run normalize by default to ensure the document is always in adherence to its schema.

🤖 If you must use this method, use it sparingly and strategically. Calling this method can be very expensive as it will run normalization on all of the nodes in your document.


withoutNormalizing(fn: Function) => Editor

This method calls the provided function with the current instance of the Change object as the first argument. Normalization does not occur while the fuction is executing, and is instead deferred to be be run immediately after it completes.

This method can be used to allow a sequence of change operations that should not be interrupted by normalization. For example:

editor.withoutNormalizing(() => {
  node.nodes.filter(n => n.object != 'block').forEach(child => {


withoutSaving(fn: Function) => Editor

By default all new operations are saved to the editor's history. If you have changes that you don't want to show up in the history when the user presses cmd+z, you can use withoutSaving to skip those changes.

editor.withoutSaving(() => {

However, be sure you know what you are doing because this will create changes that cannot be undone by the user, and might result in confusing behaviors.


withoutMerging(fn: Function) => Editor

Usually, all of the operations in a Change are grouped into a single save point in the editor's history. However, sometimes you may want more control over this, to be able to create distinct save points in a single change. To do that, you can use the withoutMerging helper.

Last updated